A Transport System for the 21st Century: Door-to-door automatic public Transport; Local and Trans-continental
Vital Concepts
Route-units are circuits (not necessarily circular or regular-shape).
Within a Circuit, cabs are in continuous motion at a (more-or-less) constant speed.
Stopping and Starting are off-line, (so that a stopping cab does not hold up others).
Circuits are connected by Connectors, Accelerators and Decelerators. Accelerators are tubes in which a cab's speed is accelerated. Decelerators are tubes in which cabs are slowed. Connectors maintain the speed.
There are Circuits of different speeds. Local Circuits have speeds of c. 30 m.p.h. Ring Routes would have double that speed, inter-city routes double that again, up to super-fast trans-continental Circuits.
Every cab, circuit, shunt-lever and cab-stop has a unique identifying number.
A route-map is a list of the starting point, destination, and all shunt-levers where a cab is to change circuit.
Tubes can be placed anywhere: on soft or hard ground, under water or raised on stilts and over roof-tops.
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